Reflective teaching practice is essential to effective teaching; it was due to self-reflections that I found the areas that need improvement. Feedback from formal teaching assessments helped; however, self-reflection allowed me to critically evaluate my teaching, lesson planning, and how to make improvements.
I used Donald Schon's reflection-in-action (Iriss, 2007) during the lesson and reflection-on-action after each teaching session; it was essential to check students' learning. Some of the students were struggling with the technique in the drawing session, my reaction was to give additional demonstrations; reflection-in-action led to critical analysis seeking solutions to the issue raised. The reflection raised the issue of students' technical abilities and drawing skills; I need to act on it to solve the problem.
This was not a straightforward learning process; at this stage, I found Kolb's four stage reflective cycle (Kurt, 2020) works very well. I did not know how to deal with the issue raised at first, and when I learnt new skills from Digital Innovation & Professional Practice module, I revisited the events recorded in my reflections to apply new knowledge. With this learning cycle, I learned how to assist students with technological tools based on the theories I learnt. I made a step-by-step video so the students may access the lesson content and progress at their own pace.
'A reflective habit can enhance students’ understanding of their practice and the discipline more widely and help them develop a critical stance towards both' (Gardner, 2012, p. 239).
Reflection-on-action led to critical analysis seeking solutions to any issue raised. I was unprepared for how the students interacted during my first teaching session; however, with the record of my reflections, I can plan learning activities and prepare learning materials for students to access learning resources. Reflections on my teaching practice at each lesson on how the students interact with the learning activities gave me an insight into how to support students to progress.
Reflection and self-assessment are essential to becoming a competent teaching practitioner. Reflection on my teaching practice at each lesson on how the students interact with the learning activities gave me an insight into how to support students to progress. I was unprepared for how the students interacted during my first teaching session; however, with the record of my reflections, I can plan learning activities and prepare learning materials for students
to access learning resources.
Meeting Professional Standards
With reflective practice, I align my teaching practice with professional standards by using different learning resources to support learners; respect how learners learn and engage learners in learning activities to reach their full potential. I planned learning activities with learning materials in various forms to support students in creating a learning environment with accessible learning content and resources. Self-initiated learning to better use a technological tool meant I had improved my subjects and research to support learners meeting professional standards.
Know how to use evidence and research to improve my practice:
accessing and experimenting with research from a range of sources
Plan and deliver effective learning, teaching and assessment
using a range of media, including digital, effectively to enhance the learning process
Maintain and update knowledge of my subject(s) and how best to teach and assess them:
• keeping abreast of my subject or vocational area and effective teaching and assessment methods
• using assessment of and for learning to support learner progress
Critically reflect on my values, knowledge and skills to improve teaching:
critically appraising my own practice and adapting it in the light of reflection and feedback, including feedback from learners. (Welsh Government, 2017, p.10-11)
Gardner, J. (ed) (2012) Assessment and Learning. Los Angeles; London: Sage
Iriss (2007) The Reflective Practitioner. Available at: https://content.iriss.org.uk/reflectivepractice/practitioner.html (Accessed 15 April 2023)
Kurt, s. (2020) Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory & Learning Styles. Available at:
https://educationaltechnology.net/kolbs-experiential-learning-theory-learning-styles/ (Accessed 15 April 2023)
Welsh Government (2017) Professional standards for Further Education Teachers and Work-based Learning Practitioners in Wales. Available online: https://hwb.gov.wales/api/storage/460a740a-7bf1-4c7b-b4ae-348ae380879b/professional-standards-further-education-teachers-work-based-learning-practitioners-wales.pdf (Accessed 15 April 2023)